"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

Well...we used to say..."a picture is worth a thousand words."  When we see a great photo, nowadays we say something like... "oooooh goosebumps" or simply, "no words".  If you have planned a wedding... you know it takes a village.  As florists, we work with many vendors...but I have a soft spot in my soul for the photographers.  Probably because my Dad was a photographer and I grew up waiting in his "lab" in our basement, for the next work of art.  We oooooed and awwwwed at each photo.  Now that he has passed, I am wanting to nurture that photo bug.   So, thank you to these great photographers; Eric Yerke Photography, Araya Photography, AE Photography and Hannah White Photography.   Photographers, keep sharing your work with us...The Garden Wren LOVES to share your photography. Enjoy the slide show!